Strategy Design Pattern

The Strategy Pattern in a Nutshell

The Strategy Pattern in a Nutshell

DP Strategy Structure


  • Define a family of algorithms,
  • Encapsulate each one,
  • Make them interchangeable at runtime.

The Strategy Pattern in a Nutshell

DP Strategy Structure

Strategy lets the algorithm vary dynamically and independently from clients that use it.

When to Use the Strategy Pattern

DP Strategy Structure

  • You need different variants of an algorithm.

  • You need to select the variant of an algorithm dynamically.

You need different variants of an algorithm.

You need to select the variant of an algorithm dynamically.

Strategy as an Alternative to Inheritance

The Strategy Pattern represents an alternative to modeling different algorithms (sub-behaviors) as subclasses of a usage Context.

Inheritance mixes an algorithm‘s implementation with that of the Context. The Context may become harder to understand, maintain, extend.

Inheritance results in many related classes which only differ in the algorithm or behavior they employ.

When using subclassing we cannot vary the algorithm dynamically.

Encapsulating the algorithm in a Strategy:

Sorting Example with Strategy

DP Strategy Example

BubbleSorter and QuickSorter embody different high-level policies for sorting the elements of a list. They outsource to SortHandle the decision about the concrete mechanisms for element ordering and for swapping. SortHandle declares the common interface of low-level sorting mechanisms. IntSortHandle and DoubleSortHandle implement this interface in different ways.

Not only are sorting policies reusable with (independent of) different ordering and swapping mechanisms; the latter become reusable with (independent of) different high-level sorting policies.

Furthermore, it is possible to customize the mechanisms dynamically.

Recall the dependency-inversion principle: High-level policies should not depend on low-level mechanisms. Both should depend on abstractions.

Concrete Example: LayoutManager in Swing

DP StrategyLayoutManager

class Container extends Component{
  LayoutManager layoutMgr;
  public LayoutManager getLayout() {
    return layoutMgr;
  public void layout() {

For illustration, consider Java Containers with dynamically customizable strategies for laying out its components.

To keep the design open for future extensions, we „outsource“ the variable layout functionality to a strategy object of type LayoutManager.

Container objects hold a reference layoutMgr to a Container object and implement operations for managing this reference.

All operations, whose implementations depend on layout functionality, call specific methods in the interface of LayoutManager.

Functional Counterpart of Strategies

One can look at the Strategy pattern as a style for emulating first-class functions available in functional programming languages.

Strategy objects encapsulate sub-computations in first-class values that can be passed as parameters and returned as results of other computations (methods).

The Cost of the Strategy Pattern

There are trade-offs to be made to profit from the advantages of the Strategy pattern.

These trade-offs must be known and carefully considered when using the Strategy.

Footprint of Variations in Base Functionality

class Container extends Component{
  LayoutManager layoutMgr;
  public LayoutManager getLayout() {
    return layoutMgr;
  public void layout() {
  • The field layoutMgr
  • Methods to manage strategy objects; e.g., setLayout
  • Facade methods forwarding functionality to strategy, e.g., layout

There may be clients which are not interested in layout functionality. Hence, this can be considered as a violation of the Single-Responsibility Principle and the Interface-Segregation Principle.

Structural Variation is not Supported

  • The Strategy interface must fit the needs of all possible variations of the outsourced feature.

  • This may lead to bloated („One Size Fits All“) interfaces.
    The interfaces might be too complicated for some clients not interested in sophisticated variations of a feature.

  • Careful anticipation of the needs of future variations is needed when designing the interface.

  • Aggravates extensibility.

An Example „One Size Fits All“-Interface

interface ListSelectionModel { 

  /** … 
   * In {@code SINGLE_SELECTION} selection mode, 
   * this is equivalent to calling {@code setSelectionInterval}, 
   * and only the second index is used. 
   * In {@code SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION} selection mode, 
   * this method behaves like {@code setSelectionInterval}, 
   * unless the given interval is immediately 
   * adjacent to or overlaps the existing selection, 
   * and can therefore be used to grow the selection. 
   * … 
   void addSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1); 

Consider the list selection feature in Java’s Swing library. This feature is outsourced to the class ListSelectionModel. The interface of ListSelectionModel is designed to satisfy the needs of the most flexible selection model (multiple interval selection). As a result, the interface is too complicated for clients of simpler selection models. See the comments of the methods in the interface.

Yet, the design is not flexible enough, e.g., to cover the needs of extensions of the selection model with arbitrary cell range selection.

When the „One Size Fits All“-Interface Doesn't fit!

Example from Java Swing's JComponent

// javax.swing.JComponent - OpenJDK / 6-b14
1804  public float getAlignmentY() {
1805    float yAlign;
1806    if (layoutMgr instanceof LayoutManager2) {
1807      synchronized (getTreeLock()) {
1808        LayoutManager2 lm = (LayoutManager2) layoutMgr;
1809        yAlign = lm.getLayoutAlignmentY(this);
1810      }
1811    } else {
1812      yAlign = super.getAlignmentY();
1813    }
1814    return yAlign;
1815  }

At some point, the designers of the LayoutManager were forced to evolve the interface to satisfy new/additional requirements posed by tool builders. This required a new interface that inherits from the original interface. Eventually, type checks and typecasts become necessary and significantly hamper code comprehension, maintainability, testability, and extensibility.

Communication Overhead

  • Some concrete strategies won't use all information passed to them.

    • Simple concrete strategies may use none of it.
    • Context creates/initializes parameters that never get used.
  • If this is an issue, consider using a tighter coupling between Strategy and Context. Let Strategy know about Context.
    Two Ways of Strategy-Context Interaction:

    1. Pass the needed information as a parameter.
      + Context and Strategy decoupled.
      - Interaction overhead.
      - Algorithm can’t be adapted to specific needs of context.
    2. Context passes itself as a parameter or Strategy has a reference to its Context.
      + Reduced interaction overhead.
      - Context must define a more elaborate interface to its data.
      -- Closer coupling of Strategy and Context.

Variations with Fixed Interface

Strategy objects are effective in modeling features of an object with dynamically varying implementations but fixed interfaces.

Increased Number of Objects

Potentially many strategy objects need to be instantiated.

To alleviate this problem you may use Stateless Strategies (Services):

  • The number of strategy objects can sometimes be reduced by stateless strategies that several Contexts can share.
  • Any state is maintained by Context.
  • Context passes it in each request to the Strategy object.
    (No / less coupling between Strategy implementations and Context.)
  • Shared strategies should not maintain state across invocations.
  • Such strategies are Services.

Composition of Multiple Variations

Strategy objects cannot be effectively used to model interdependent variations.

Illustrative example:

The JTable class in Java’s Swing library uses the interface TableCellRenderer to abstract from different ways in which table cells can be rendered.

But, cell rendering may depend on other kinds of variations of table functionality, e.g., on the presence of selection or drag-and-drop functionality. Usually, selected cells and drag-and-drop targets are rendered in a special way.

Such interdependencies between different variation dimensions cannot be properly modularized using strategy objects only.



The core of the Strategy Pattern is to model variability of object features by outsourcing the implementation of these features in “helper” (strategy) objects Exploiting “implementation to interfaces” and subtype polymorphism for abstracting over variations of the outsourced feature.

The Strategy pattern addresses two problems of inheritance:

  • Variations become reusable.
  • Dynamic variations of features becomes possible.

Technically, a combination of object composition and inheritance is used instead of inheritance only.

The Strategy pattern has its costs:

Filing the Design Space between Template and Strategy

Using mixin-composition and self-type annotations widens the design space.

trait Component

trait LayoutEngine {
    def layout(components: Array[Component])

trait BasicLayoutEngine extends LayoutEngine {
    def layout(components: Array[Component]) { /*Basic means nothing..*/ }

class Container(private val components: Array[Component]) { 
  this: LayoutEngine ⇒ // <= Self-type annotation
  def doLayout() {

object LayoutEngineDemo extends App {
    val c : Container = new Container(Array()) with BasicLayoutEngine
    //c.layout (won't compile!)

Using this approach the solution is type-safe and variations are (still) reusable. However, dynamic variations of features are no longer possible.

Overall, we have the following advantages:

and the following disadvantage: