Adapter Design Pattern


The Adapter Design Pattern


Intent: Fit foreign components into an existing design.

DP Adapter Framework

We want to reuse existing frameworks or libraries in our software, even if they do not match with our design.

We do not want to change our design to adhere to the structure of the reused components.

Case Study

The Adapter Design Pattern - Illustrated

DP Adapter CaseStudy GraphicalFramework

We have acquired the framework GraphicalFramework.

GraphicalFramework provides the interface Node to draw rectangles with a headline and text to the screen.

Drawing is done by the framework, we just need to provide the data via the interface Node.

Desired Usage of the Framework

DP Adapter CaseStudy DesiredUsage

Our own design represents different kinds of persons. We want to draw our data to the screen:

Adapting the Framework

DP Adapter CaseStudy AdaptingTheFramework

We will create adapters to use the functionality of GraphicalFramework for our classes.

We have to adapt Employee and Customer to fit with Node.

Two Kinds of Adapters

Object Adapter

Object Adapter

DP Adapter Structure ObjectForm

Using Object Adapter

DP Adapter CaseStudy ObjectAdapter



Class Adapter

Class Adapter

DP Adapter Structure ClassForm

Instead of having Adaptee as an attribute, Adapter inherits from Adaptee.

Using Class Adapter

DP Adapter CaseStudy ClassAdapter





Adapter is an effective means to adapt existing behavior to the expected interfaces of a reusable component or framework.

Two variants: Object and Class Adapter

  • Both have their trade-offs.
  • Both have problems with the reusability of the adapter.

Pimp My Library (Scala)

Pimp-my-Library Idiom/Pattern (Scala)


Solve the problem that you can change or extend your own code, but if you use other libraries you have to take them as they are.

Solution Idea

Define a conversion function to convert your object into the required object and make this conversion implicit to let the compiler automatically perform the conversion when needed.
(Transparent generation of object adapters.)

Example Scenario

We want to be able to repeat a certain operation multiple times and want to store the result in some given mutable store.

But, Scala's (2.10) mutable collections do not define a common method to add an element to them.

In the following we develop a generalization of the previously shown repeat method. This variant enables the developer to specify the target data store.

Implementing a repeatAndStore method (naïve approach).

object ControlFlowStatements {
  import scala.collection.mutable.Set
  abstract class MutableCollection[T, C[T]](val underlying: C[T]) {
    def +=(elem: T): Unit
  implicit def setToMutableCollection[T](set: Set[T]) =
    new MutableCollection(set) { def +=(elem: T) = set += (elem) }
  def repeatAndStore[T, C[T]]
      (times: Int)(f: ⇒ T)(collection: MutableCollection[T, C]): C[T] = {
    var i = 0; while (i < times) { collection += f; i += 1 }

The previous solution has two issues:

  1. The repeatAndStore method requires a MutableCollection which is basically an implementation-internal type.
  2. It returns the original collection to make the usage easier, but important type information is lost (the HashSet has become a Set).

Implementing a repeatAndStore method.

object ControlFlowStatementsBase {
  trait Mutable[-C[_]] {
    def add[T](collection: C[T], elem: T): Unit

  implicit object Set extends Mutable[Set] {
    def add[T](collection: Set[T], elem: T) { collection += elem }

  implicit object MutableBuffer extends Mutable[Buffer] {
    def add[T](collection: Buffer[T], elem: T) { collection += elem }

  def repeatWithContextBound[T, X[T] <: AnyRef: Mutable]
  (times: Int)
      (f: ⇒ T)(collection: X[T]): collection.type = {
    var i = 0
    while (i < times) { 
	    implicitly[Mutable[X]].add(collection, f); i += 1 