Command Design Pattern

Motivating Example: A Document Editor

Given some user operations such as "creating a document", "opening a file", "saving a document", "printing a document", "cutting selected text" and "pasting it back in", we then want to be able to access them from more than one place in the UI (a menu and a toolbar).

Motivating Example: A Document Editor

DP Command ApplicationClassDiagram

The implementation of each MenuItem subclass is the same as the implementation of one of ToolIcon subclasses. Multiple copies of the same functionality → maintenance problem.

Need a mechanism for MenuItem and ToolIcon to share implementations.
Need to separate the user-interface control from it’s implementation so that implementations can be shared.

Want to also support a general undo capability so that the user can reverse previous operations.

Solution: Decouple Invoker from Receiver

DP Command ApplicationClassDiagramWithCommand

Solution: Decouple Invoker from Receiver

DP Command ImplementingPasteAndOpen

In a Nutshell


Encapsulate a request to an object, thereby allowing to:

  • Issue requests without knowing the receiver or the operation being requested.
  • Parameterize clients with different requests.
  • Queue or log requests and support undoable requests.


DP Command Structure


DP Command Collaboration

Advantages of Command

Implementation Sharing

DP Command SupportingMenuAndToolbarOperations ImplementationSharing

Supporting Undoable Operations

DP Command AddingUndototheFontCommand

Supporting Multiple Levels Of Undo

Single Level of Undo

DP Command MultipleLevelsOfUndo SLU

Multiple Levels of Undo

DP Command MultipleLevelsOfUndo MLU

Implementing a Command History

DP Command CommandHistory

The command history can be seen as a list of past commands.

As new commands execute they are added to the front of the history.

To undo a command, unexecute() is called on the command at the front of the list.

The present pointer is moved past that command.

To undo the command before that, unexecute() is called on the next command in the history.

The present pointer is moved to point before that command.

To redo the command that was just undone, execute() is called on that command.

The present pointer is moved up past that command.

Macro Commands

DP Command MacroCommands



  • Command allows to decouple the invoker of an operation from the receiver of that operation.

  • A Command object encapsulates the knowledge about a concrete operation and a concrete receiver of that operation.

As a result:

  • the same invoker can be reused with different operation-receiver pairs.
  • the same operation-receiver pair can be plugged into different invokers.
  • commands can be queued, undone/redone, and composed into macro-commands.

Example Implementation

In practice (in GUI applications), you often have multiple instances of the command design pattern which are related to different kinds of actions.

  1. The command pattern is used to associate some action with a menu item or a tool bar icon and which (as a second step) then may require some further user input/interacts with the environment. These commands are usually not stored in any command history as it makes no sense to redo/undo them (e.g., "open file", "save file", "copy text to clipboard").
  2. You have commands that update the state of an application (i.e., manipulates the application's data) and which you may want to store in the command history because you want to be able to undo/redo the corresponding action. These commands then have to offer an execute and unexecute methods.

Some commands, e.g., "paste clipboard content" are typically triggered by some user interaction, but do not require any further user interaction and, hence, could be regarded as a command of the second type. But, this is deceiving. Imagine that - at some later point in time - the user undos the last editing steps including the pasting of the clipboard content. When the user then redos that step, he expects that the same content is added again as was just removed/originally added – even if the clipboard content has changed in the meantime. Hence, even in this case we want to distinguish between the command that interacts with the environment and the command that directly (after gathering all information) with the document.

Example Implementation

Supporting multiple-step undo/redo

The application:

object Application { var document: String = "" }

The Command trait:

trait Command { 
  def execute(): Unit
  def unexecute(): Unit

Example Implementation

Supporting multiple-step undo/redo

A ConcreteCommand to manipulate the document:

class AddTextCommand(val text: String) extends Command {
  import Application.document
  def execute() { document += text }

  def unexecute() {
    document = document.substring(0, document.length - text.length)

  override def toString = "Add text: "+text

Example Implementation

Supporting multiple-step undo/redo

The command history:

object CommandManager {
  private var pastCommands: List[Command] = Nil
  private var futureCommands: List[Command] = Nil

  def execute(command: Command) {
    pastCommands = command :: pastCommands
    futureCommands = Nil // kill all previous future commands
  def undo() {
    if (pastCommands.nonEmpty) {
      val pastCommand = pastCommands.head; pastCommand.unexecute()
      futureCommands = pastCommand :: futureCommands
      pastCommands = pastCommands.tail
  } }
  def redo() {
    if (futureCommands.nonEmpty) {
      val futureCommand = futureCommands.head; futureCommand.execute()
      pastCommands = futureCommand :: pastCommands
      futureCommands = futureCommands.tail
} } }

In this case, the responsibility for calling a ConcreteCommand's execute method is delegated to the CommandManager.

Example Implementation

Supporting multiple-step undo/redo

Creating a command object and adding it to the history:

object askForInput extends (() ⇒ Unit) {

    def apply() {
        import javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        val text = showInputDialog("Please, enter some text.")
        if (text ne null) {
            CommandManager.execute(new AddTextCommand(text))

The askForInput object has the responsibility to ask the user for some input and to add the respective input to the document. This object is also a ConcreteCommand where the execute method is called apply.

Example Implementation

Supporting multiple-step undo/redo

Example usage:

object CommandDemo extends App {
    for (i ← 0 until 3) {
