Software Engineering Project

Plan and implement a professional software project!

Together in a team of 5-8 students you will learn to plan, manage and implement a professional real-world software project. All project topics originate from industry partners, outside of the campus.

You develop your own solution strategy and learn to organize yourself as a team. You have to collectively specify requirements and define processes for your team. Other focusses of this course are to learn how to create a design for a large software architecture and how to assure the quality of such a project. Depart from the technical details you will acquire experience in communication with a client and you will develop invaluable soft skills.

The software engineering project is scheduled to run over one semester. During this time, your team is directly supported by an experienced member of our group. If you need help, he will support you with experience and knowledge. In addition to this we offer team and presentation trainings in cooperation with the STARTUPS FROM SCIENCE.

Course Information

Software Engineering Fair (Kick-Off)
Wednesday, 18th of October, 09:00 AM, virtual, join Slack zoom link.
The details of the registration differ between different courses of studies. More information is available in the registration section.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mira Mezini
Tobias Reinhard
Learning goals
  • self-reliant realization of a real software project
  • using modern development methods
  • assessing tools and methodologies
  • assuming several roles in a software project
  • assessing individual competence and productivity in real-world situations
  • working in a team
  • communication with customers
  • project presentation
Supplementary Courses
Each team member should attend, or have already finished, at least one of the supplementary courses.
We are using email as the central communication channel and for all announcements. You can send an email to your individual group advisor or to the coordinator.